the philosophy of two dozens

20 November 2006

Age bursts the bubble of excitement in celebrating birthdays. As one grows older, that thin sheet of liquid expands until it can no longer contain that growing mass of awakening inside.

Definitely, my 24th was undoubtedly different. No parties. No gifts. No cakes. No balloons. No hype.

After college, changes are more apparent. Some greetings arrive either a day early or a day late. I remember how high school friends religiously wrote me birthday letters and cards, all of which I still keep up to this date. While relatives living abroad would insert a dollar as gift. Intimacy becomes the thing of the past as postcards and hallmarks are replaced by text messages and emails flooded with smilies as if these can genuinely bring the sincerity and warmth produced by real facial muscle movement.

These changes among other things make the inner child in me cry as that child feels he nears extinction. But a big voice emerges to pacify the youth as he brings reason until that voice becomes the self and the child shrinks to that mere soft whisper.

soft whisper shouts:
Thanks, jc and js, for going the extra mile just to make my birthday special!

big voice hushes:
Each passing day of our lives should be celebrated and be made special.

exhaled by milbenski at 12:57 AM | 2 comments

2 burp(s):

Blogger milbenski blabbered...

Bitter? No. Twas just a reality difficult to take in but all of us would eventually experience.

9:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous blabbered...


11:54 PM


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