
13 July 2006

Es la una menos ocho minutos del trece de julio de dos mil seis.

I should have burned Machiavelli's pamphlet three days ago but still here I am, desperately trying to reach the minimum required number of pages of my critique. The dreaded number is just three. Pathetic!
What is it really with numbers when not everyone needs quite a number of words to express their thoughts?! I, myself- a news writer in my high school years, have been trained to write concisely everything I need to say if possible in just one paragraph. Given that a critique asks for subjectivity derived from objectivity, i need not use the words "a great deal of" when I can just type "much". Oh, for the sake of filling spaces!
Enough justification. My argument is admittedly weak.

2 days. Classics of Management. Jungle of Management. 2 reports. 1 presentation.
More to come.

exhaled by milbenski at 12:55 AM | 0 comments

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