the seed of disappointment
21 February 2006
I have broken so many hearts...
It's really difficult to feel the whip of disappointment directly from the tree to its rotten fruit.
The decaying fruit falls into the ground being devoured by scavengers.
Now, it is naked of everything but the soft shell that protects it.
The insides try to break free and cling further down into the ground wishing that someday it will be a better tree--
not to boast to the others but to fulfill what it should be in the first place.
...including mine.
2 burp(s):
"And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who dies for them and was raised again." 2Cor 5:15
10:46 PM
remeber: "there's a special place in life that needs your humble skill..."
7:16 PM
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