
01 February 2005

I am a broken clay pot. Though I was glued back, I could still see the cracks and some holes as a result of unrecovered pieces.
Now, the pot feels that the glue is quickly melting and its pieces disintegrating simultaneously.
If I have collapsed completely, I think I don't want to be glued back. I prefer 'my' pieces be a part of some great mosaic.
Whatever He wills...

exhaled by milbenski at 5:23 PM | 4 comments

4 burp(s):

Blogger js blabbered...

whew! ang deep-deep mo talaga ben! :D

9:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous blabbered...

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5:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous blabbered...

the unrecovered pieces could be those pieces of your life that God wants you to leave behind, so He can replace them with something new - something that could make the clay pot even more beautiful.
and maybe at this time, when the pot feels that the glue is quickly melting, God wants you to know that He's going to replace it soon with a stronger adhesive because the glue's strength is not enough to hold you now.
can you see that the cracks and holes are becoming bigger and bigger each day? that's because bigger and grander pieces are coming to replace the unrecovered ones.
and if you were to collapse completely, your pieces won't become a part of some other great mosaic, but rather, the pot will become a great mosaic in itself. that is, when you allow God's new pieces to become a part of you.

there are times when we feel like we are totally lost in this world. we want something but it seems that God wants us to do or to have something else. life is really difficult when you dwell on its specifics. try looking at the bigger view of things.

in your hardships, remember that God allows everything to make you stronger. as the saying goes, "smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."

in life, we need to move on. we can never go back to the past. and if at some point you were able to go back, you'll realize that nothing's there anymore. everything's gone - except for the memories. the most you could do is to learn from them.

do not think too much. it consumes a lot of your energy. use it instead in doing the things you ought to do at the present.

like a good surfer, learn to ride the waves of life.

God bless you! You're not alone in the battle. Ü

5:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous blabbered...

He already had begun making the mosaic... You know it. You have the gift of discernment. Even if the process may be uncomfortable, let Him.

4:51 PM


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