Rio Diaz and that Puto Bumbong
10 October 2004
Things are getting better for me the past two weeks. But the weeks previous to those "silver lining behind the dark clouds" were just crazy. In fact, I had the obsession of dying (whatever way, I didn't care). CRAZY! STUPID (to rationalize that doing "it" will end all my miseries and start a life full of joy-heaven)!!! But life is soooooo goooooooodddd! Whatever trials, tests... WHATEVER!!! I wouldn't meddle with God's schedule of taking me back to His arms... but again if he says it's my time, i surely would not hesitate to jump into HIS train.
Last week, local tv stations were showing the expected yet still "unexpected" death of Rio Diaz. She knew that she was being called back to the headquarters but her zest for life had kept her asking THE BOSS for an overtime... and another OT... and then another. "Life is great!", she said. Indeed, she's right! But her buzzer had rung. Thanks to her inspiring Christian life.
I thought about how I was going to make this post and all these while I was savoring my ride on the LRT Purple line. It was my first time to enjoy this massive "puto bumbong" machine and I couldn't help but compare this with the karag-karag MRT. Everything about the Purple Line experience was a gem. Starting from the clean terminals and platforms, digital visuals (scheduled arrival of train, ETA), vendo machines, spacious coaches, accesibility, etc. The only thing that I didn't appreciate was the seats which seemed like a clone of the Tropical Hut benches. But who cares, right? At least, you wouldn't have to worry about sardine-packed ride and someone touching your bum then when you look back it's also a man- matching a smile with a meaningful wink (SCARY! lalo na pag may bigote).
Watch out for my "Family First (have you seen those guys in SM blocking your way)" post...
Life is good.... and it's going to get better! :-D
3 burp(s):
life is so beautiful to waste. live it to the fullest!
always remember that no matter how tough your situation is, God's always with you. He has given you people to share your life with, to help you "stand" despite the harshness of this world.
continue seeking God. He will reveal everything to you...soon...
when you're ready.
2:37 AM
waaaaaaaaah life and death
can't help but think of my current experience of having a loved one least a former loved one, literally.
yep, life is great.. greater pa for us na sure na na saved..
but its just so sad that a lot does not know the Lord..
tot, whenever you feel the urge to just run back to the Father's arms, do so.. in prayer. always remember, you are worth more than what you think... if not for you, for us people who love you.
12:41 PM
wah.. wrong grammar pa si akesh.. hehe
12:44 PM
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